
About Movida

Movida is a genuine family business. And like a family, we come together to achieve the best results for everyone. It’s a philosophy we extend to our clients. We keep the lines short and make sure that our services help build a long-term relationship.

Our main office is in Lelystad, the capital of an up-and-coming region in the Netherlands, and we have a second office in England. From these two offices we serve the European market, and right now are focusing on expanding our services into Ireland, Germany and Belgium.

Core business

Our primary task is to take issues like telecom, telematics, fleet management and installation needs off the hands of internal clients of corporate businesses, institutions and organizations. These days, a company has to have all its employees connected all over the world (‘M2M’, or machine-to-machine).

We also provide the hardware needed to do this, and can advise our clients on all their mobility issues. With our Total Telecom Management, we make all usage metrics transparent and we help companies stay on top of their telecom. Where necessary, we also conduct contract negotiations with telecom companies. Our motto is: don’t guess, know.

In recent years we have been expanding our services into new markets, including the nautical recreation industry in particular. Alongside telecom and telematics, our fleet management activities (tracking & tracing plus security) are in high demand.

Our team

At Movida we work with a team of driven professionals. Our shared passion is connecting mobility and communication. Whatever problems come along, we solve them – no matter what! For technical services, we have a dedicated VCA/SCM certified team specially for telecom and IT installations

Our products and services

All Movida products and services are based on cloud services. We offer platforms that connect the technology. Our complete package is made up of services including hardware, software, help desk and installation for:

Movida, more than Telecom!

Movida corporate video

Movida takes all your issues on telecommunications, telematics, fleet management and installation off your hands. How do we do that? Take a look. Movida, more than telecom!

Our job openings

Movida is looking for enthusiastic professionals to join our team. Browse through our job openings here.


Field service engineer (40 hours per week)

Het betreft een zelfstandige en ambulante functie. De werkzaamheden worden van huis uit op locatie uitgevoerd. Voor de uitvoering van de werkzaamheden krijgt de Field Service Engineer de beschikking over een bedrijfswagen inclusief de benodigde bedrijfskleding, apparatuur en gereedschap.

Gezien de verdeling van de werkzaamheden zijn wij op zoek naar kandidaten woonachtig in de regio Utrecht. 

View the job opening



Wauw! Uit het hart geschreven.
Zo uit het hart geschreven! Dankjewel Frank voor deze mooie persoonlijke getuigenis. Te veel eer, maar erg gewaardeerd.

Frank van Buggenum
Owner VB Interieurbouw


Finder geeft een veilig gevoel

Wederom een mooie testimonia mogen ontvangen van een tevreden relatie die Finder ervaart als science fiction!

André de Bruin



“Voor Movida gaat AMP Groep meer bezorgingen van mobiele telecom uitvoeren. Het is mooi om te zien dat Movida groeit en dat wij daar onderdeel van mogen zijn. Hier zijn we trots op.”,

Koos Verhave

AMP Groep


“Geen gehannes meer met het registreren van mijn zakelijk kilometers!”

Katarina Hartgers


Movida latest news

BAM and Movida are going one step further

Intensification of cooperation with the Royal BAM Group. The BAM organization has long trusted that

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Coronavirus | COVID-19

Just like the rest of the world, here in the Netherlands our society, way of

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